
Jill Mattson

Emotional Issues

Lose feeling obligated and instead feel open to freely giving

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Full Description

"Centaury" from The Healing Flower Symphonies includes the actual frequency of that Flower Remedy; Centaury frequency clears feeling obligated and builds feelings to freely help and give.

Listening to a frequency of a substance is akin to ingesting it. If you listen to the frequency of niacin your face flushes, just as if you had ingested niacin! Listening to the frequencies of the flowers is like taking the flower remedy, which provides emotional healing.

Each Healing Flower Symphony supports the transformation from a negative emotion to the mastery of it, like impatience to patience, or panic to courage. The music allows you feel trust and subtly practice the feel of the successful emotion...and practice makes perfect! As we all improve our emotional energy, our impact on others improves, uplifting our worlds!

To develop a positive attribute, you need to feel it so many times before it is a habit. This music and the frequencies of the embedded flower remedies, allows you to feel joy, trust, patience and many other beneficial feelings.

The music also aides in letting emotional baggage go. Depression needs to be released before one can enjoy upbeat music. Sad music stirs old pain, bringing it to the surface. It enables one to reconnect with feelings that he had long ignored, leading to an emotional catharsis. Whatever is repressed has power over us; we have been trained since our earliest years to repress negative emotions. These do not vanish, but show up as an outward negative energy, such as anger or aggression, or an inward force manifesting as depression, insecurity or illness.

The antidote is to feel your pain it allows a release. This is why grieving works. Within a surprisingly brief time the pain will dissipate. Simply listen to music and let it help you feel free.

Music (not the words) is processed in the right brain, which doesn't utilize language. Music helps people feel an emotion (such as sorrow or pity), and avoid details about how they got it. Such music stirs old emotional memories, so they can be released. It is easier to do this if people don't have to remember specifics of what made them hurt.

Repeated listening is like peeling an onion layer after layer of negative energy is removed.

Music tracks available in the 2 volumes of Flower Symphonies are:

Clematis > loosen and clear avoidance of reality and enhances enjoying the moment
Centaury > loosen and clear feeling obligated and build feelings to freely help and give
Sceranthus > clear indecision and build confidence and ability to make decisions
Water Violet > loosen and resolve isolation, build companionship and connection
Rock Rose > eliminate feelings of panic and replaces these with new courage
Agrimony > remove insincerity and builds inner peace
Impatiens > clear frustration and impatience and replace with patience and peace
Vervian > loosen and clear inflexibility and build broad-mindedness
Cerato > address feelings of self-doubt and create self-trust
Gentian > loosen and clear doubt and build trust
Chicory > clear demanding love and build giving love
Mimulus > clear fear and foster feelings of fearlessness

After expressing negativity, the Healing Flower Symphony then evolves into triumph, giving the listener the experience of transmuting negative feelings into the corresponding emotional virtue. Listen intensely, be conscious to let the negative feelings go, and then be open to receive the vibrational feeling of positive emotions.

How to Use

Repeated listening is like peeling an onion: layer after layer of negative energy is removed. You will feel your negativity as the music loosens it from your fields. If you are really sensitive, you will feel it leave your body.

To develop a positive attribute, you need to feel it so many times before it is a habit. This music and the frequencies of the embedded flower remedies, allows you to feel joy, trust, patience and many other beneficial feelings.

Most people listen daily for 3 to 6 months, until the sad music no longer triggers them! Some loop in softly in the background while they sleep to get it their listens.

It is best to listen to all of the Flower Symphonies. We are unaware of unconscious negative baggage. Sometimes it is energy from those we have lived with and we don't identify with it, but the body will release it to our surprise.

After expressing negativity, the Healing Flower Symphony then evolves into triumph, giving the listener the experience of transmuting negative feelings into the corresponding emotional virtue. Listen intensely, be conscious to let the negative feelings go, and then be open to receive the vibrational feeling of positive emotions.

Use the Healing Flower Symphonies and corresponding feelings to improve your emotions, behaviors and hence, how people respond to you. For example, one flowers music (Agrimony) helps the pleaser, who is nice, but not sincere. This person approves of another's actions to appear pleasant. At first this healing symphony's harmonies are pretty, appearing pleasant. After the initial tones are sounded, the tones bend out of tune. The sour after-vibration leaves one with a bitter feeling.

Later the sounds-like-harmony-but-isnt music transitions into deep, calm and pure harmony, allowing the listener to practice feeling true inner harmony and contrast between pretentious harmony and the real thing. We are being insincere when we express a nice message that we don't mean. Often we are not aware of the negative feeling we attach to our nice comments and we act insincerely without thinking.

We may not be aware that we have an underlying negative emotion, because we are trying to be positive. For example, we think we have forgiven someone, when we really are still angry. Since we don't want to see ourselves as being angry, we don't allow this idea to surface in our consciousness. We try so hard to be good that we don't acknowledge what we are feeling. Unfortunately, the anger doesn't go away.

When we stop burying our pain, we increase our well-being. With emotional integrity we acknowledge our feelings, this starts the process of releasing negative emotional build up, which cripples our personality.

No headphones needed. Music is very emotional.


Drink lots of water to help release the negative emotions from your body. Your emotions are your guide to using these remedies. Don't overwhelm yourself to release too much as once. Listen as you are emotionally comfortable doing so.




$4       $1.99

"I listened to Agrimony from your Healing Flowers Symphony CD. The music touched a particularly annoying fear that I have held for many years. I have treated it like a thorn in the side, which I was destined to carry. After listening to this song I found that this perennial fear had simply dissipated, as if it had been dissolved by the music. I know it was the music that was responsible because of the extreme resonance that occurred between that fear and the song.

Immediately after listening, I was left with a sensation of extreme well being that manifested emotionally as a quiet effortless peace that had displaced the fear and seemed to seep into my whole being, and mentally as a picture of Mother Earth coddling me in her arms as if I were a small child being rocked to sleep. It was an extraordinary experience." -Keith David Henry

"When I listened to the Flower Symphonies a personal experience took place... my son had an ugly divorce and not ever in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I had so much resentment, hostility and rage towards an ex daughter-in-law... priding myself (false pride) with being more evolved than that... WOW.... what a shock to my system to have see my darkness that we all have lurking some where with in us...... I prayed, put myself on prayer list, meditated, went to professional counseling. Nothing eased the negative feelings that would be recurrent in a instant... I played Jill's music and my feeling of inner peace were restored...the key word here is "FEELING." Within my heart center and within the recesses of my mind a healing and calming took place from Jill's music..." -Madeline Nickles

"I've been listening to your Healing Flower Symphonies. I feel the chimes in different areas of my heart and being; sound rippled deep and through me. You were right, this is not for the faint of heart because you release negative emotions, but my experience has NOT been unpleasant, in fact, I feel like it is heightening some of the things I was feeling and allowing me to better identify those. I am going through a time of significant change and this is just what the doctor ordered for me to reach my highest good. I'm using the Flower Symphonies to release any discomforts keeping me from my spiritual development." -Susan Caroll

"The Flower Symphonies are a powerful collection of musical arrangements that have obviously come from divine intuition. I love the flower remedies, so I was excited to listen to this, but what I experienced was totally unknown to me! Wow, is a first response! I was awestruck and incredibly impressed with the impact on my whole body. Some music was disturbing at first at a very core level. I knew intuitively that there was something very important going on that was much needed As I continued to listen on and move through the "disturbance" and the "discomfort" brought about by it, the entire feeling of discomfort left me and what I experienced after that was profound feelings of "rightness". The Healing Flower Symphonies are highly recommended by me. The positive impact that they are capable of is much needed in this world of ours." -Maggie Bailey

"I had a deep, lingering sadness that lasted for six years. After trying many energy healing modalities and not feeling successful, I listened to Jill's Healing Flower Symphonies for three months, and felt a shift from sadness and helplessness to joy and empowerment. This is huge! I love the symphonies and continue to listen because I know healing can be a process. Finally, my ship came in with the name Jill on it. Thank you." -Kris Mitlas

"Jill, the first time I listened to the flower symphonies CD the initial response I had was tears of joy throughout the whole thing.." Blessings, Lana Ryder Rosner

"I had a most profound experience listening to the Flower Symphonies, ranging from giddiness, to strong feelings of hunger to erotic impulses! My body also responded in other ways! I was utterly amazed by the range of thoughts, feelings and physical sensations that were triggered. I insistently respected the power of these unique frequencies to heal in a dramatic fashion. I highly recommend Healing Flower Remedies to both laymen and healing practitioners alike!" -SH Hind

"I found this CD to be breath-taking as I have found all Jill Mattson's CDs to be. Close your eyes and be transported to another world. Feel strange things happening to you. You don't understand what is actually taking place but it feels very good indeed!" -CF