Releasing Being Disorganised

Michelle Carter

Sleep & Stress Release

Release clutter, untidiness, being disorganised & feel peace and calm!


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Full Description

Are You Feeling Disorganised, Untidy & Feeling Clutter in Your Mind?

Is all of this negatively affecting your life and stopping you from achieving your dreams and desires?

Not knowing what to focus on and having constant 'to do lists' in your head creates stress, which can build up and cause illness.

This audio works on:

-Releasing all worry, stress, confused

-Releasing clutter and untidiness

-Releasing lists of things to do in your head

-Releasing not feeling good enough, unworthy & causes of being disorganised

-Fills your mind with peace and stillness

-Being guided to work on one step at a time

-Focusing on the most important task in each moment

-Be calmer, and more organised in your life

Whilst I was recording this audio and listening to the finished edited audios, I noticed that I had been tidying up my computer folders and files without even thinking about it, not something I used to do very often so I am very impressive with these results!

When we feel less cluttered in our mind, it is much easier to be connected to our guidance and feel and focus on the most important task to do in each moment.

When we release all the energies that are causing us to be dis-organised in any way, we do instantly feel so much freer, happier and lighter!

This audio is multi-layered with 10 layers of healing tracks to make it incredibly powerful for quicker results! There is a noticeable difference in the power!

How to Use

Listen a maximum of once a day for the first few weeks. Over-listening and cause you to feel the energies leaving, so slow to start with is better!

You can increase after this if you are wishing to listen more.

Works best when listened through head phones with intention, any time of the day.

Floating into Realms of Pure Stillness will work really well with this Releasing Releasing Being Disorganised.

Do not loop!


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. If you feel any releasing or increase of symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears, you can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing this out. If you have any queries then please do email me at


Releasing Being Disorganised.mp3



"Thank you. The download has been received and I already completed 2 chores I have put off for weeks!" - Jean

I recommend Michelle, because she is Pure Divine Love
"Many healers heal, but few stand by you and support you through the tough times which often come when one starts to work with and release all the stored up low energies...she has created around her a group who truly, truly love and support one another, the likes of which I have never experienced before. There is true healing, power and compassion in every word, every clearing and every thing she does. I know there are many great healers around today, Thank God, but I would not recommend any other than Michelle, because she is pure Divine Love <3 Gratitude for you <3"
~ Rachel