Super Clearing Transmission

Michelle Carter

Clearing Energies

Reduces feelings from a healing crisis or releasing symptoms


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Full Description

Super Clearing Transmission clears away Releasing Energies

Super Clearing Transmission is designed to reduce feeling a Healing Crisis or Feeling Releasing Symptoms. When you are doing powerful energy work or over-listen to a releasing audio, we can feel the energies leaving giving us physical or emotional symptoms that are unpleasant.

My Super Clearing Transmission works most powerfully when looped, or listened through headphones.


-Filling with Pure Source Light

-Multi-layered Filling with Pure Love

-Multi-Layered Releasing All Releasing Symptoms

-2 layers of Sending to Source

When using this Super Clearing Transmission the releasing energies do just fly out without you feeling them! These layers are on silent so you enjoy the main transmission.

Most definitely a welcome addition when releasing dark energies, cutting ties or accidentally looping a releasing audio!

Length Approx: 8.30 mins

How to Use

Designed to be played on loop to clear out releasing energies from releasing and disconnecting audios.

I recommend that you listen once and build up slowly to playing on loop, especially if you are new to my work as this audio is multi-layered and is very powerful.

This audio will work on silent or low volume and is more powerful if listened through headphones.

If you have any queries about listening then please do email me:


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. Build up to looping slowly!


Super Clearing Transmission - Multi.mp3



Refreshing! My favorite audio to date! This is especially helpful for people who are empaths or do energy work automatically or "unconsciously". It is so, so easy to pick up debris! But this audio easily allows you to "dump your load" so to speak. It brings you back to center and restarts you. I can't recommend it highly enough! - Debra, USA - Apr 2017

Michelles work goes very deep and is very thorough
"I have been in an intense cutting dark energies program and can say first hand that Michelle's work goes very deep and is very thorough. If you have these energies in your energy field, they will be released by Michelle's work.
I am feeling so much lighter these days and highly recommend the dark energies program to all of those who are clearing their fields of negative dark energies, and want to clear them for good. Michelle is compassionate and very aware of how her work can affect people. Because of this a closeness develops between all those participating in the program. It has been a very important part of my spiritual journey. I highly recommend it for those who are willing to experience sometimes uncomfortable feelings and emotions that are being released."
~ Amy USA