Healing Your Divine True Nature

Vandana Atara Aura


7 Archangels help you fulfill your soul plan & align with your true nature!


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Full Description

Receive 7 Divine Healing Rays From The 7 Archangels & Their Archeia!

Do you feel separate, disconnected or cut off from spiritual blessings & divine protection?

Would you like to heal your relationship with the higher powers that surpass all human understanding so you can claim your throne of glory & live in a perpetual state of grace?

The Archeia represent your divine feminine nature that yearns to be expressed. These qualities are patience, trust, wisdom, inspiration, intuition & being in the flow of what you already know!

Together, the Archangels & Archeia can help you to fulfill your soul plan and balance both sides of your true nature.

Vandana is honored to help you re-awaken & remember your angelic true nature with the 7 divine healing rays of creation & re-birth!

Anyone can receive them as we are all divine humans!!!

You are meant to be here & it is your birthright to receive this gift & blessing!!!

Your Archangelic legions of light invite you to bathe in tranquil waters & soak in the essence of holy love, crystal light, sacred rays & solar radiance!

Experience what it feels like to take a color bath in each of the 7 healing rays to cleanse, clear your 7 physical chakras & detox from soul trauma & karmic debris from all of your timelines, dimensions & lifetimes from the moment your soul was conceived!

This is a divine visitation & special invitation to visit them in their healing retreats & temples of healing, regeneration & rejuvenation.

Receive these powerful rays to activate your inner spark, shine your light & be of service!

When you open to receive them, it can become easier & faster to manifest what you dream of, envision & desire more than ever before!!!

Each healing ray melts & dissolves layers of energetic armor & heart walls to unlock & release old energies that no longer serve you in the new paradigm on your highest soul ascension timeline!

In this class, you will learn how to invoke the names of the archangels & their twin flames (The Archeia) so you can heal your divine feminine & masculine core wounds with ease & grace.

These secret rays sparkle, vibrate & illuminate your chakras, cleanse your aura & strengthen your connection to your christed consciousness & beloved I am presence.

Vandana will invoke the 7 Rays Of The 7 Archangels/Archeia In Your 7 Chakras.

You will receive an accelerated light infusion to experience the gifts of:

1st Ray - Free Will, Faith, Protection & Your Creative Powers

2nd Ray - Inner & Outer Illumination

3rd Ray - Expanding Into The Essence Of Divine Love

4th Ray - Purity Of Heart, Mind & Spirit

5th Ray - Magnified Healing, Abundance, Truth, Vision

6th Ray - The Path Of Your Highest Soul Service

7th Ray - Practicing Forgiveness To Be Free Of The Past


Vandana embodies the Divine feminine frequencies of Christed light through her soothing voice, open heart & tender touch.

Her Divine healing intervention team & doctors of divinity can be felt, seen & experienced through her body, eyes, aura & healing touch when you are in her presence.

Vandana was gifted ascension keys & codes during the paradigm shift in December 2012 to help usher in the new energies of unity, community & 5D living with ease & grace!

How to Use

Listen to this mp3 audio activation in an open, receptive & distraction free private space.

Rest for a minimum of 2 hours after & play on a loop on a low volume for best results & enhanced integration of healing benefits.


Do not listen while driving, multi-tasking or operating heavy machinery.


Healing Your Divine Feminine and Masculine True Nature.mp3



"Vandana's energy, heart and soul is pure love. She has the ability to touch your true inner self and help you to release all that does not serve you in your highest good.So blessed to have found her. My life is transformed. Thank you Vandana." ~ Janet Hrboka

"Vandana offers divine tranquil sessions that clear out excess energy and relaxes one's mind and body in a safe and sacred space of high vibrational healing. I personally feel like I am swimming in oceanic waves of empowerment, love, comfort, and sweet serenity after our time together. Vandana kindly takes your hand and swims beside you as you descend into the wondrous depths of your inner deep waters." ~ Kaia, San Diego, California

"Vandana's awareness is cosmic and other worldly for sure! I feel like sparkles of star dust activate my energy after talking with her. Truly unique! In a delightfully, soft way! Thanks for your magic Vandana!" ~ Ariadne Sassifrass

"Dear Vandana, You truly are a Healing Goddess. I am thankful to you and your spirit. I hope your message gets out into the world, to bigger and broader masses. I've been on several calls with you and trust me when I say I have found profound relief to many old and new ailments. Your guided meditations are spontaneous and just phenomenal, they carry so much power. Everyone should have access to them. Thank you for your loving and devotional work through RICH Healing and all that you do!" Asha ~ Araceli