Angelic Divine Assistance

Vandana Atara Aura


Feel loved, cared for, empowered & free of karmic patterns


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Full Description

Receive Angelic Divine Assistance from the Pyramids of Light

Join Vandana on this super-charged high-frequency transmission to experience!

~ Renewed & Expanded Energy Flows

~ Infinite Abundance, Prosperity & Ease

~ Conflict Resolution & Closure In Current Or Old Relationships

~ Accelerated Physical Recovery From Pain Or Discomfort

~ Greater Clarity & Confidence To Speak Your Truth

~ A Higher Vibrational Resonance Of Peace, Non-Judgment & Neutrality

~ Divine Downloads From The Akashic Realms, Ascended Masters & Karmic Teachers

~ Self-Mastery To Align With The Divine

~ Instant Manifestation Of What You Want - Not What You Don't Want

Re-Set your reality to live on your 5D ascension timeline!

As a special gift, the Karmic Clearing Angels have prepared a Chakra Cleanse to release cellular trauma & karmic debris stored & held in your chakras, nadis & meridians.

Clear the fear & unplug from the matrix of old 3D patterns, programs & stories so you can live on 5D ascension timeline!


- Meet the Lords & Ladies of Karma, The Divine Director, Archangel Metatron, St Germaine & Lady Portia and Archangel Michael accompanied by his Band of Karmic Clearing Angels to receive Divine Healing Intervention & Protection.

- Experience The Legions of the Blue Flames Vibrational Frequencies from the highest & holiest angels & Archangels who honor your free will & are waiting for you to call upon them for help & healing from karmic imprints of stress, struggle & trauma.

-Receive Source Code Clearings, Creations & Re-Sets to boost your energy, create new beginnings & align with the Divine!

This Divine Healing Transmission is for anyone who feels unsafe, unsupported or who may be psychically affected by negative energies from other spaces, places & people.

Join our sacred circle of trust to feel loved, cared for, empowered & free of karmic patterns from past lives, ancestral influences & soul contracts that no longer serve you.

Come play in the Quantum Field of Ease, Space & Grace & Experience your natural state of being!

This sacred soul journey contains 80 minutes of teachings, Divine light transmissions, cosmic code clearings & energetic re-sets


Vandana embodies the Divine feminine frequencies of Christed light through her soothing voice, open heart & tender touch.

Her Divine healing intervention team & doctors of divinity can be felt, seen & experienced through her body, eyes, aura & healing touch when you are in her presence.

Vandana was gifted ascension keys & codes during the paradigm shift in December 2012 to help usher in the new energies of unity, community & 5D living with ease & grace!

How to Use

Listen in a quiet space where you will not be distracted.

Rest for a minimum of 2 hours after & play on a loop on a low volume for best results & enhanced integration of healing benefits.

Listen once or as often as needed.

Headphones are not required


Do not listen while driving, mult-tasking or operating heavy machinery.


Angelic Divine Assistance From The Pyramids Of Light.mp3



"Dear Vandana, Thank you so much for this exceptional session!!! I'm still under shock, lying in my bed in a state of ecstatic state :::))) I'm so grateful to you and your sacred team!! - Blessings to you"

"I just have to thank you for this profoundly beautiful and potent call. Vandana's energy and the processes she did were so brilliant and elevating, and I definitely felt like a new person by the end! Wow! I feel so tremendously blessed to have been a part of this experience! I received a huge healing today. I just can't thank you enough" ~ Kathy

"I LOVE You, Vandana! You have no idea just how much your work has helped me from incredibly deep sexual trauma in just this one lifetime. At times, I truly did not think I would survive the pain I RICH it, and RACE it, and Reality Reset it just trusting in my reactions to just your voice on the shows.I AM so very grateful to God, Source, Universe for you and your gifts As I listen, I often find myself asking how you know all that you do. Thank you for your investment in your self in your gifts truly the work that you bring forth is unique." ~ Jaishree, India

"Dear Vandana, I just wept onreceiving my soul message from you. I feel blessed. You are one of the chosen few and I am so grateful to you for facilitating my accelerated healing session.You have such a beautiful voice, very soft, soothing and comforting." ~ Pauline, Ireland