Filling & Floating into Pure Light

Michelle Carter

Chakras & Energy Field

Frequencies that fill your energy field with Pure Light & raise your vibration


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Powerful Filling & Floating with Pure Light to Raise Your Frequency

This audio will fill your energy field and whole being with lots of vibrations of Pure Light, whilst Floating you into higher and higher vibrations. Being in the highest vibration possible in each moment is our desired outcome and this is the place where Divine Flow and miracles happen!

This is a very powerful audio, which can be used to:

-Clear the energy in a room

-Clear the energy around you when you are out and about

-Raise your vibration into Higher Realms

-Clear out energies after doing releasing work

-Fill with Pure Light Energy

-Feel Light and Floaty!


Many people do lots of releasing and clearing energy work, but forget that we need to also Fill with Pure and Divine Energies to keep us feeling good and raising our vibration.

When we release dark and unwanted energy we need to replace it with good energy, allowing the Law of Attraction to work for us.

Playing this powerful audio on loop will start to fill your energy field with Divine Light and raise your vibration, which helps to repel dark and lower energies as well as keeping you feeling Light and connected to your Divine guidance.

Playing this audios will also raise the vibration of the room you are in if you play it continuously on loop, so can be used to help clear a room, or raise the energy of a room of people that feels low and heavy, so a great audio for offices especially where there is bad atmosphere!

A must have for everyone doing energy work and raising their vibration!


This is a very simple but incredibly powerful audio. The words are "Floating, Floating, Floating, Filling with Pure Light" repeated throughout the audio, with multi-layering.

The 'Floating' on this audio feels beautiful to listen to and really does raise your vibration and have you feeling so much lighter and freer!

Layering: Multi-layered and echo through the left and right headphones enhances the audio and increases it's power.

Length: Approx 4 mins

How to Use

This audio has been designed to be played on loop to really fill your energy with Pure Light frequencies!

However, I do recommend that you build up to looping slowly and play for an hour or so and increase how often you listen before playing completely on loop as Pure Light is a very powerful frequency and can start to do releasing energy work when looping.

This audio will work on silent or low volume so you can have it playing in the background and overnight.

To enhance the power and really feel the energy working I recommend you listen through head phones with intention and soak up the Pure Light energies flowing to you!

This audio works really well with Pure Source Light Protection and Clearing Audios on loop to keep the energies high and moving out of your energy field.


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. If you experience any releasing / detox symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears, and start of listening just a few times and build up slowly again to looping. You can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing out any releasing symptoms.


Filling & Floating with Pure Light.mp3



I finally feel like I am free
"Michelle - You are nothing short of a miracle worker!
I have had 5 other healers in the last year try to tackle the dark energies that were holding my body and my life hostage and they barely scratched the surface. After one live session, one phone session and using your audio releasing packages I finally feel like I am free. After a year in hell I am getting my life back on track.
I am looking forward to clearing out the remaining debris in the next couple of weeks in your new Intensive program. No limitations!
Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Much love and light,"
~ Beth Joy USA