Disconnecting from Addictions

Michelle Carter

Emotional Issues

Release & disconnect from addictive energies and be free of addictions ($35 value!)

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Full Description

Don't let an addiction destroy your relationships or your life.

This audio will disconnect you from all matrixes , grids, webs that are keeping you stuck in an addiction and addictive behaviour.


Powerful energy work to disconnect you from the magnetic effect of other people's addictive energy and all grids, matrixes and webs for addictions. For some, giving up an addiction can be nearly impossible and if you understand the magnetic power of energy and energy grids then it is not surprising at all!

When you have disconnected from all this magnetic energy working against you, then releasing your own energy for the addiction will be so much easier to do!

The audio will disconnect you from:

-Matrixes, grids and webs of addiction

-The energy of everyone else who has the addiction as you

-All addictive energies stored in your energy

This audio will disconnect you from everyone else's addictive energy so you are free from these matrixes and grids that are stopping you from give up your addictions. It will then release the addictive patterns and energies from you so these energies are no longer affecting you and your life.

This audio really is for anyone who has an addiction or addictive pattern that they don't want, including:

-Any other addictive behaviour you have

***Multi-Layers: Silent & Low Volume***

Main track with two 'echo' tracks fading into and out of your left and right headphones. The audio has layers of silent backing tracks to:

-Clear the releasing energies direct to source so you don't feel them

-Work on deeper layers of your energy going through all time, space and dimensions

-Fill and Floating you into the vibration of Pure Love

So many addictions actually start from not feeling loved as a child, that it is really important to fill with love and address the root cause of the addiction. Pure Love does have a magical power, if we are not feeling this power then we need to add more Pure Love into our energy.

So many people have addictions these days and stopping them goes deeper than will power because of the energetic power that comes from being a part of an addictive matrix, which connects you to the energy or everyone else in the world with the same addiction.

"We are our energy and all that energy is connected, so disconnect from all energy that is not serving you and your desires."

Audio - mp3 download, approx length10 mins

How to Use

Play once a day for the first few weeks.

Once you are used to the audio then you can increase how often you listen.

This is powerful energy work so please do NOT loop this audio.

If you over listen then my Clearing Intense Energies Audio will work to clear out any releasing symptoms you may feel.

The audio is more powerful if you listen with your intention on one addiction. If you have more than one addiction then work with one first and when that has released and gone you can then start on another one.

Listening through headphones is more powerful.

If you have any questions or queries then please email me:


Do not listen when driving or needing your full focus. You may feel light-headed or sleepy during and after listening. You may feel emotional after listening, which ever emotions are the root cause of the addiction may be felt for a few hours or days. If this happens then stop listening until you feel better and start listening every other day and build up to every day.


Disconnecting from Addictions - Oct 2019.mp3


$35       $29.99

"I must say I am blown away by your addiction audio. It is my favourite by far.
When you say heaven, the way you say it. I feel it. This morning before I even listened to it, and I heard your voice heaven bought me such peace.

Please know Michelle that you are making such a difference in peoples lives." Much Love., Alexis