Psychic Ability Activation

Bryan Rawls-Dolzer


Have those burning questions only a psychic can answer? Be your own psychic

$25       $15.99

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Full Description

This audio will assist in the activation of your psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and telepathy.

This audio contains Light Language to allow for the pineal gland to vibrate a quickened frequency to bust up any negative beliefs around yourself as intuitive being and/or raise your vibration to allow for clarity and understanding of the way your abilities are being expressed.

The audio is most beneficial if listened to with stereo headphones due to the frequencies that flow from left to right and vice versa, also it helps highly if you allow for no expectations after listening.

You will begin to see noticeable shifts after the third time listening and then after the first initial set of listening to it 3 times you will feel each time you listen after that you gain more and more clarity and confidence in your abilities.

How to Use

This audio must be listened to in a first initial set of listening 3 times with stereo headphones, and then each time hereafter it will increase in vibratory rate so the audio gets powerful after you establish the first set of listening.


Do not LISTEN while DRIVING!!! You may be MOODY and have bouts of emotional outbursts. You will frequently urinate also this is a natural way the body detoxes and eliminate energy.




$25       $15.99

"A wonderful surprise was gifted to my family through Rev. Bryan's services. I contacted him for advise on selling my family home after my parents passed. Our hope was to align with a buyer who would enjoy the property with their loved ones as we had for sixty years. Rev. Bryan petitioned St. Joseph for our intention. We were blessed with a written agreement for the sale with the first showing. A young man purchased our family home as his first house with a bright vision for it's future. Much gratitude and love to Rev. Bryan for his guidance and service.

A few months later, my next interaction with Rev. Bryan was an Intuitive Session for myself. He provided an open, relaxed platform to discuss my intentions for the session. The session included mediumship work, energetic healing, light language, information on solar energy, ancestral and galactic history, spiritual knowledge, health and alternative treatments. Phenomenal work for a one hour session! After a short integration period, I will continue my journey of self-discovery with Rev. Bryan, improving my life for myself and that of others. Thank you, Rev. Bryan for your gifts that you share. Much Love and Abundant Blessings"
~ Janice, Pennsylvania

"When I first heard Bryan and saw his picture, I was instantly drawn to him. On our first session Bryan held a beautiful, caring space which made me feel total relaxed and very excited at the same time. I was given a complete overhaul, realignment and cleansing of the Chakras. I was very impressed about the high quality of clarity Bryan has and he was able to answer all my questions with clear insight. Bryan has started to open new doors of learning for me, taking me to the next level of awakening, illumination and remembrance. I am very grateful that I have had the great privilege of the start of a beautiful journey into the knowing of me."
~ Sue, Australia

"I worked with Rev. Bryan closely for a period of 3 months when I was undergoing major shifts and transitions in my life. This period has been intense times of uncertainty, luckily with his help, I have been able to to proceed with clarity and certainty. I have worked with spiritual workers and life coaches in the past, frankly Rev Bryan has been the only one who has been able to provide me with the clarity I needed to know that I am moving in the right direction. For example, a recent opportunity came up for me to travel for an event. I was going to decide against going but Rev. Bryan told me to go. It turned out to be a trip that shifted my paradigm. I can't be more grateful for having his guidance and presence in my life. Thank you Rev. Bryan!"
~ Elie

"Today as always I am deeply grateful to have you in my life as an awakened, highly evolved being, true friend and very gifted psychic intuitive. Thank you for your assistance last evening in finding some Christmas gift certificates which I was sure had mistakenly gone out with the garbage. I had spent a good part of the day searching for them and within minutes you guided me to where they were. This is not the first time that you have assisted me in locating missing objects and as always I am amazed at the gift you bring to the planet, which I must say just keep getting stronger. There are few on this planet like you, Bryan, and those of us who have you in our lives are fortunate. With love and gratitude."
~ Jean Calloway

"I had a 30 minute general intuitive reading with the Reverend. We did this over the phone, which is amazingas there was no need to travel for hours to meet him. I was a little concerned that without seeing me in person my reading might be less accurate....NOT the Case at all, he proved that from the very first minute when I asked one (1 ) open ended general question about my future he hit the ground running; being on-point about my current job situation, about the coming changes, about situations and people without any words from my mouth.

I said nothing and just listened in marvel to him touch upon and answer almost all of the questions that I had written down without him knowing those questions. I never needed to ask because he included them in his guides messages for me! I am a firm believer in his gifts and talents; he did an activation during our session which helped to set me on the path on which I am already destined for and headed.

He is gifted. Reverend Bryan Rawls is the real deal! I am so grateful that my sister recommended him, he has given me the courage, confirmation and guidance needed to help me make the changes in my life to get on the path that I need to be on for my life's work using my gifts. I will (and have already) recommended him to others seeking confirmation and or clarity of their life's purpose etc. A session with the Reverend is nothing shy of remarkable. You owe it to yourself to have at least 1 session (and buy a package for a loved one! as a gift!!). Peace, Love and Light"
~ Devra Hasson