Pure Source Light Protection

Michelle Carter

Chakras & Energy Field

Feel safe and protected from dark & evil energies with this powerful audio


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Full Description

Feel safe and protected with this powerful audio.

A totally easy and safe way to feel and be protected, that you can carry with you and always feel safe, knowing that Pure Light is filling and protecting you, your energy field and the immediate area around you.

With the current shift and crazy energies this audio is a real must for everyone! You will so value it when you feel the power it has.

Using Pure Source Light is incredibly powerful, and I have been using it throughout my energy work, often having it playing on silent loop whilst doing energy work and throughout live calls.

Some of the energy work I do with clients to release and remove dark energies and entities is with really nasty energies and this audio along with my Pure Light Protection Image and Floating Above Spells and Curses really keep me and my computer safe from attacks when doing this energy work.


The audio fills you and your energy field with Pure Source Light to protect you and repel dark energies attacking you. Also you can use this audio to clear any space you are in, your home, car, computer and belongings and take it out with you to feel safe when on the move.

This Pure Light Protection audio has the protection work being done in a very powerful silent layer, so you hear the calming and filling layer, whilst the protection energy work is being done really powerfully behind the scenes.

There are over 10 additional layers of energy work and some of these layers are multi-layered, making this audio very powerful and includes clearing the releasing energies away and filling you with Pure Love & Light, as it protects you.


So many people these days are feeling attacked from invisible energies. It can be really hard to shift out of this if you don't know what is going on and many people are not open to talking about this!

If you are feeling attacked then this Pure Light Protection Audio will help you to feel safer and more protected, especially when doing releasing work on dark energies which can create a bit of a stir!

Light-workers really value and appreciate this audio, along with all my work to release and get rid of dark energies and being attacked.

Length: Approx. 4 mins - (can be looped)

How to Use

Start by listening ONCE for the 1st day and see how you feel. This audio is working through deep layers so build up how many times you listen slowly.

Once you are used to this audio and the energy work you can play this audio on continuous loop. It will work on low volume or silent.

I recommend that you also add one of my clearing audios to a playlist if you are looping this audio, to keep the releasing dark energies clearing out and not affecting you.

Works well with Floating Above Spells and Curses, Filling with Pure Love, Filling with Pure Light, Clearing for Intense Energy Work & Floating into Realms of Pure Stillness.

If you have any questions or queries about this audio and how to use it then please email me: info@michellecarter.co.uk


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. If you feel any releasing / detox symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears, you can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing this out.


Pure Source Light Protection.mp3



"I can really feel the power in this audio Michelle, I feel so safe when I listen to it, thank you for this much needed audio." - Kimber, USA

Healing Transmissions
Michelle Carters healing transmissions are like no others. The energies are quite amazing and very powerful! You can actually feel the energies even when listening to a recorded telesummit. Something I have never encountered before. The healing transmissions are perfect in length neither too long and a joy to listen to.
- Nicky (UK)

You were there for me during my darkest hours
Michelle, you are such a pure soul, gifted healer and loving human being. It has been a true gift to find you and have your help releasing the dark, gritty energies and resistant patterns I thought I could never escape. Your ability to bring through such tremendous light and disconnect people from energies that don't serve them is so effective, its almost magical. But what truly sets you apart from many healers Ive worked with is how deeply devoted you are to your clients.
You were there for me during my darkest hours, lovingly supporting me and pulling me through, with unceasing kindness and words of encouragement, and I know you've done the same for many others in your groups.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love and care, Michelle. I look forward to working with you again, because really, who you are and the work you do are above and beyond my experience of any program! :)
- Kathy, (USA)