Inner Healing

David Adelson


The basis of all healing is Inner Healing; fix the cause of illness at its roots

$19       $9.99

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Full Description

Play this while focusing attention on the areas you want to fix; rest your attention there. Use extensively for dramatic results.

Surprisingly, the cause of all illness, disease, accidents takes place deep within at quantum levels and beyond.
Access those levels to clear and fix whatever caused your discomfort so you never experience it again.

Completely silent Quantum Energy Enhancing program rockets your spiritual experiences and development in or out of meditation or other spiritual practices.

This completely silent Quantum energy program works directly on the subtlest vibrations and frequencies that make up you - who you are - well below the body, senses, mind, ego and spirit. Playing this over and over while you work, play, sleep, meditate, whatever - profoundly accelerates your ascension and growth.

Play this program to ascend to higher levels of awareness, of life, of totality.

Available in even more powerful video download, too! Check out our website

How to Use

Play this while focusing attention on the areas you want to fix; rest your attention there. Use extensively for dramatic results.

This one is for focused, concentrated healing, not for general 'round-the-clock use (at least to start).

Play this intending a healing session; act like you would if you were getting one. If after some time you feel better, then go ahead and play more often, but start out using it as you would a healer.

Completely Silent!

And that's it!

Remember the program only works when it's being played.

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Does not replace healer, doctor, or professional medical attention or any remedies a professional healer/ physician may prescribe.


Inner Healing x.mp3


$19       $9.99