Releasing Anxiety & Worry

Michelle Carter

Sleep & Stress Release

Feel the stress, anxiety & worry dissolve and melt away!


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Full Description

This audio will work on releasing the underlying reasons for your anxiety and worry so you can feel freer and happier.

Each time you listen the audio will work on deeper layers of energy and emotion, releasing more and more of these destructive energies from your energy.

This audio has been multi-layered with 10 layers of healing tracks to make it incredibly powerful for quicker results! There is a noticeable difference in the power of my multi-layered audios!

It takes more than just positive thinking to shift out anxiety and worry when it hits us. It is also a repeating cycle that seems to never end!

This is where releasing the energies causing the anxiety and worry is so powerful.

On going feelings of anxiety and worry is so destructive to our emotional, physical and energetic / spiritual well being and can cause the following issues and more:

-On going stress leading to so many physical illness

-Emotional unhappiness and imbalances

-Mood swings

-Depression and despair

-Inability to sleep and insomnia

-Feeling helpless, stuck and a victim

The more you can release the unwanted destructive energies from your energy field and fill with positive Pure energies the more you will attract good to you.

The Law of Attraction works on our most dominant energy stored in us, so when we are feeling stuck in worry and anxiety this is because we have so many of these energies stored in us. As we release them and fill with Pure Love, Light, Peace and Joy, our dominant energy will change to these Pure positive emotions and our life will improve as we start to attract good to us!

Don't stay stuck in anxiety and worry when there is a way to be free of this negative cycle that is destroying your life - you deserve to be happy and live an amazing life!

How to Use

Listen a maximum of once a day for the first few weeks.

You can increase after this if you are wishing to listen more.

Works best when listened through head phones with intention, any time of the day.

Floating into Realms of Pure Stillness will work really well with this Releasing Anxiety and Worry Audio, to raise your vibration out of these lower energies and live in higher, lighter, happier energies.

Do not loop!


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. If you feel any releasing / detox symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears, you can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing this out.


Anxiety & Worry - Releasing.mp3



Michelle's work has been a game changer for me.
"I have been working with Michelle for over a year now and can definitely say that her powerful ability to channel Divine Energies to remove issues and energies is like none other I have experienced. Specifically, her dark energies work is truly life changing. I feel that it is definitely an important step to take for Light-workers or anyone who is having trouble truly shifting out difficult issues. Her dark energies audios and programs go to the source of those issues and blast those pesky energies out while also filling with Divine Energies to help attract and create a better state of being and life.
Michelle has truly been there, this is work she has done on herself so she is very understanding, so loving and supportive in all that she does. She is the real deal and her work gets results. I am in such a better place within me now compared to where I was before finding Michelle - I have been doing energy work with various healers and modalities consistently for over a decade and I do feel like Michelle's work has been a game changer for me."
~ Kimber USA

I no longer have the fear of the dark energies holding me back
In the past I have been shut down with the effects of dark energies. They have created a lot of fear in me and stopped me moving forward with my life. Then I connected with Michelle and her work. Her work with clearing dark energies has made a huge difference in my life. I no longer have the fear and the effects of the dark energies holding me back and I am now able to move forward with a sense of freedom. I feel safe, protected and I have my power back and I have a wonderful tool with her audios that I can turn to if ever I feel the need. Michelle is a true inspiration with her attitude, courage and determination in the work she does to free people of the dark so they can shine their lights and be all that they are meant to be. Thank you Michelle, I will be forever grateful. "
~ Dawn, New Zealand