Releasing Eye & Sight Issues

Michelle Carter


Powerful energy work to help improve your eyes and sight


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Full Description

Are your Eyes or poor Sight affecting and spoiling your life? Are you avoiding having to wear glasses?

Or worried about having a stronger prescription every year or two? Spending a fortune on glasses and would prefer not to?

If you would like to have your eyesight improved then this audio is for you! The energy work on this audio includes:

-Filling with Divine Love & Divine Light

-Releases & removes all energies causing issues with your sight

-Releases not being able to see well long or short distance

-Releases not being able to read well

-Releases all issues and fears about not wanting to see something in your life

-Clearing all energies being released

-Filling with Divine Love & Light

AND . . . just look at the price!

How much do you spend each year on new glasses?

The benefits you can receive from this audio are unbelievable for such an amazing price! So why is it so reasonably priced?

Well that is because I am very aware that it is often the people with not much money who have the most issues, so part of my mission is making my audios available to as many people as possible at a really affordable price.

This audio has been multi-layered with 10 layers of releasing & filling tracks to make it incredibly powerful for quicker results!

How to Use

Listen a maximum of once a day for the first few weeks.

Your sight may be a little blurry to start with as your eyes adjust, if this happens then reduce your listening until this has settled.

You can increase after this if you are wishing to listen more.

Works best when listened through head phones with intention, any time of the day.

Do not loop!


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required. May cause feelings of light-headed or sleepy. If you feel any releasing / detox symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears, you can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing this out.


Eye & Sight Issues.mp3



"Hi Michelle, I want to thank you so much for the Eye Sight Audio that is working on clearing my eyes. Today I have noticed when I was in my car I looked at my dash board to examine my clock and I could see the time clearly as well as the odometer reading. Usually it was really blurry. I am excited about the improvement. I am sure in the days to come they will become really clear. Thanks so much for all your audios. They are really working. Much Love" -Jill W, USA

Sometime after 24 hours and before 48 had passed, that lump was gone
"I had been experiencing grief from multiple deaths of some of our cats in the past few months (and cats are our 'kids' in our family) and had found a small lump on the side of one breast that showed up in February that I was watching. At the time, I was feeling overwhelmed with sadness so I listened to a whole bunch of Michelle mp3s for over 24 hours including in my sleep through headphones.... Several tele-summit replays plus (and I don't recommend this for the super energy sensitive) the entire series she did on core beliefs and negative emotions that's supposed to take 14 weeks.... over and over and over. Sometime after 24 hours and before 48 had passed, that lump was gone--and I felt for it several times over subsequent days--NADA. Michelle's releasing work is very powerful. I did her workshop live in Los Angeles and felt wonderful afterward--albeit spaced out. I totally recommend her work!"
~ Anon - USA

I feel a joy and peace in my heart I have been longing for.
"I have been on Michelle's program for the past two months and it has been truly transformational. I have been able to finally go past some blocks I have been working on for years and some blocks I was not even aware off. I feel a joy and peace in my heart I have been longing for, for a very long time. I can only recommend her work highly. She is so loving, compassionate and committed ...she is the real deal."
~ Ute, Australia