Releasing Travel / Motion Sickness

Michelle Carter


Take the sickness out of travel! Feeling travel sick really does ruin a journey


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Full Description

Take the Sickness out of Travel!

The energy work on this audio works on:

-Filling all energies causing & creating motion sickness with Divine Light

-Release all energies causing & creating motion sickness

-Clearing all releasing energies

-Filling with Divine Love & Light

This audio has been multi-layered with 10 layers of healing tracks to make it incredibly powerful for quicker results!

Feeling travel sick really does ruin a journey and it's not a good start or end to a holiday!

You can feel motion sickness in cars, buses, coaches, trains, boats and planes, so it affects most forms of transport, especially if it is bumpy!

How much better would your holiday and your life be if you or a member of your family didn't suffer from travel sickness? It really is an unwanted feeling when you are traveling, it spoils the journey, making it like feel a never ending endurance test!

Listening to this audio will reduce and release the energies that cause motion sickness, or kinetosis, as it is known medically. The sickness occurs when there is a difference in what we see with our eyes and what our inner ear is feeling, as our balanced is controlled inside our inner ear. This disharmony between sight and inner ear can be released and rebalanced with energy work.

The audio is suitable for all ages from babies to grandparents, so it is great for the whole family.

Length: Approx 2 mins 40

How to Use

Listen a maximum of once a day for the first few weeks. Preferably start listening a week or so before you're going to travel to allow time for the energy to work and process.

You can increase after this if you are wishing to listen more.

Works best when listened through head phones with intention, any time of the day.

Do not loop!


Do not listen whilst driving or when your full attention is required as you may experience feelings of light-headed or sleepy. If you wish to play whilst on a journey then please wear headphones so the energy doesn't affect your driver. If you feel any releasing / detox symptoms then please listen stop listening until this clears, you can also listen to one of my Clearing audios to speed up clearing this out.


Motion Sickness - Releasing.mp3



She helps you polish and shine your vibrational energies!
"Michelle Carter is the Lightworkers' Lightworker. She truly comes from the purest place of Divine Light and Pure Love in her transmissions and coaching, opening the way for your own clearest communication with your Soul. She helps you polish and shine your vibrational energies as you uncover the gem of your own best self!
I am so honored to be among the first to experience Michelle and her joyful gifts. You owe it to yourself to invest your time with this joyful and blessed being! With Gratitude & Boundless Joy!"
~ Joanne Herrmann

Working with Michelle has really changed my life.
"Since working with Michelle on her dark energy program my life has really turned around. This energy work with Michelle has been the catalyst for releasing me from a place of utter hopelessness, which I had been in for many years. Through Michelles energy work and being a member of her dynamic group where the support is just amazing, I have felt so much lighter and happier. I am still a work in progress but I feel able to cope so much better now. I know with Michelles help I will be able to release the remaining physical problems I have had for 20 plus years. I am now spiraling upwards instead of downwards thanks to Michelles amazing work. I am just so grateful that I heard Michelle and bought her package, working with Michelle has really changed my life. "
~ Jeannette USA