Connecting to the Source of Silence

The Stargate Experience


41 audios that transmit frequencies for wisdom & healing ($444 value!)

$444       $43.99

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Full Description

This package contains 41 audios of 14 meditations and 27 talks by Alcazar.

All audios are approx. 2-18 minutes each, on topics such as:

-Letting go of unpleasant experiences

-Inner child work

-The secret that only the masters know

-What is Superconsciousness?

-The Inner Earth Mineral Grid

-The Quantum Field

-Energizing telomeres & mitochondria

-How to activate your gifts

-You are raising your vibration beyond enlightenment

...and so much more!!!

This audio set was recorded live during our New Year's 2017 Four-Day Stargate Intensive in Mount Shasta. We want to share this at a huge discount so many can benefit from Alcazar's incredible wisdom as he guides us into the heart of silence within...A whole new way of understanding meditation and enlightenment.

Alcazar, the guide (as channelled through Prageet & Julieanne) and co-creator of the Stargate leads all the meditations in our workshops.

A few days before it started, Alcazar gave us this channeling about the upcoming New Year's Stargate Intensive. The powerful energetic and support for your inner silence and the opportunity for creative change is not limited to the time of this workshop. The energetic is felt as soon as you meditate to these recordings.

"Beloved Ones we greet thee 'tis Alcazar,

For the time period of your New Year we wish to take you on a journey into the depths of Self...

But first, let us say a little about your New Year's Eve and your New Year's celebrations, because this is curious that you create intention for yourselves - but rather than going into your depths and energizing your intention you have superficial celebration with alcohol and unconscious behavior.

We wish to share something different with you.

There is, however, a strong intention around that time to create something new, albeit coming from a superficial level, it is still a wave of energy of intending something new which can be used.

We would like to show you how to move into your depths.

We would like to show you how to access beyond the mind, beyond the body, into the Quantum Self, so that you can start to focus from that stillness, that silence...

To listen, to receive, to understand...

And then with the energy of your purity project into your new year the direction, the manifestation, the love, the celebration, and the experience of deep joy and appreciation of Self.

Projecting this into your new year from a place of silence, stillness, and self-love.

This will be exceptionally powerful, exceptionally creative, and such a joy to live the manifestation as it comes into your life.

Would you like to experience this new way of celebrating the New Year?"

How to Use

The audios containing Alcazar's wisdom can be listened to in any order (tracks begin with a number).

Regarding the meditations, we suggest you do these in sequence as the energy builds! (tracks begin with #med)

The power of the Stargate energies comes from working at the level of the Quantum Field. This makes it possible for you to feel both the subtle and powerful energies that come through to you in these Stargate meditations.

It is necessary, however, to be actually meditating as you listen in order to actually experience these energies. Be comfortable with your eyes closed. You can be seated or lying down.

It is important to keep your eyes closed throughout the meditation so you do not break the flow of energy.


By now you will realize that the energies of these meditations are really strong, and can easily transport you into a whole new Quantum reality. Therefore, do NOT listen to these whilst you are driving, or any other task that requires your full attention.


1 The Consciousness Of The Trees.mp3

2 Your Mind Is Disturbing You.mp3

3 Inner Earth Mineral Grid 1.mp3

4 By Raising Consciousness You Get Different Experiences Of Divine.mp3

5 The Recall Mechanism Is Changing.mp3

6 Being There For Others Is Being There For Yourself Also.mp3

7 It Is So Easy To Be Free.mp3

8 You Are Constantly Being Transmitted To.mp3

9 You Have Never Been Alone.mp3

10 The Secret That Only The Masters Know.mp3

11 Letting Go Of Unpleasant Experiences.mp3

12 Judging A Situation Is Maintaining It... You Came Here For The Experience.mp3

13 What Is Superconsciousness_.mp3

14 Control Is Fear Based - Inner Child Work.mp3

15 Root Cause Of The Rage - Inner Child Work.mp3

16 Not Feeling Nurtured And The Cause Of False Strength - Inner Child Work.mp3

17 What The Inner Child Brings To You Is The Most Important In This Moment.mp3

18 The Quantum Field.mp3

19 You Cannot Loose Yourself Because You Are Light.mp3

20 You Are Raising Your Vibration Beyond Enlightenment.mp3

21 How To Activate Our Gifts.mp3

22 Do Not Blame Yourself For Past Unconsciousness.mp3

23 Trust Is Not A Business Agreement.mp3

24 Everything Is An Opportunity To Look At Yourself.mp3

25 Until You Claim What You Want You Will Continue To Give It Away.mp3

26 Not Accepting Where Youre At Stops You From Going Where You Want To Go.mp3

27 Imagine A Beautiful Future.mp3

1med-Opening Channeling.mp3

2med-You Are Consciousness.mp3

3med-A New Level Of Experiencing.mp3

4med-Are You Ready To Live Your Magnificense.mp3

5med-New Insights In The Year 2017.mp3

6med-The Next Step Of Human Evolution.mp3

7med-Love Your Apparent Imperfections.mp3

8med-Inner Child Dissolving Limitations And Accelerating Growth.mp3

9med-From SuperConsciousness To Being Inside a Higher Dimensional Spacecraft.mp3

10med-Witness The Silence Within - Revisiting The Higher Dimensional Spacecraft.mp3

11med-Prageet About The Vast Potentials Of Human Beings.mp3

12med-Manifest With Your Higher Self From The Place Of Silence.mp3

13med-Energizing Telomeres&Mitochondria and Reprogramming Old Belief Systems.mp3

14med-Change Your Programming From The Still Space Within.mp3

$444       $43.99

"It was an amazing experience! I came just for my curiosity and discovered an amazing encounter with wonderful beings in flesh and in spirit. I miss it already. Love to all." -Liat, Israel

"Stargate has given me an expanded ability to change my state of being, unlike anything that I have utilized up to this point. There is an awareness that each moment is a new beginning and there is much, much more, just for the asking!" -David, Nevada

"I think the Stargate has shifted something as I am now at a higher vibration, I definitely am finding everyday things flowing VERY much more easily, and I am getting more business. Something that was causing problems in my life has now gone. Curiously, I have got my self confidence back!" -Jonathon, England